lunedì 25 febbraio 2013

Yap Youthactionforpeace: campo in Germania a Maggio

Nuovo campo di volontariato in Germania a Maggio!
Aiutate IBG a rinnovare gli spazi dove si organizza il training per i futuri campleader 2013!
Info e candidature:

Codice e titolo del progetto: IBG 04 Ehningen
... Date: 06.05. - 16.05.2013

The local host is a German non-profit association called DJO (Deutsche Jugend in Europa - German Youth in Europe). In Ehningen they provide a self-catering educational centre for school classes, youth groups, musical or churchly associations as well as other NGOs who would like to use the rooms for meetings, festivals or camps of any kind. This house is also one of the favourite places for IBG to run its trainings for future campleaders. The host was able to enlarge to surrounding garden in January 2013. This green space will be offered to the groups for the educational work and for leisure activities. Various gardening and reconstruction jobs around the house are needed to realise this.
WORK: Mainly, participants will help restoring and arranging the outside area of the local host organisation, e.g. fencing up the terrain, renew the barbecue and campfire place, laying out paths and set up benches. You will be able to contribute with own idea for the configuration. If needed, you may also help with small repairs within the building. During the workcamp, there will also take place a campleader´s training of IBG (09.-12.05.), so volunteers and future-campleaders will have the chance to meet and support each other.