Volontariato nei Sud del
Sono esperienze
non solo lontano da casa ma anche lontano da tutto ciò che siamo abituati a
chiamare “europeo” - a partire dai
valori e relazioni interpersonali fino alle condizioni di vita. Sono esperienze
sempre più forti, più stimolanti e allo stesso tempo sicuramente più difficili
che spesso portano alla scoperta - dei mondi diversi, delle diversità
culturali, della cooperazione e della solidarietà, ma anche di se stessi. Sono
esperienze che per molti diventano un turning point. Infatti volontariato si fa
non per cambiare il mondo, ma per piantare il seme di cambiamento nelle
All’interno del
database http://www.yap.it/campi-di-lavoro/ i campi di volontariato sono
indicati come progetti di breve durata, i progetti di medio e lungo termine
invece hanno il codice “permanent” o “mtv”. Si tratta sempre di sostenere un
progetto di sviluppo locale attraverso varie attività: corso di lingua per i
bambini, salvaguardia dell’ambiente, sopporto di un’associazione di
volontariato ecc.
Partire per...
Dare una
mano con lavori di costruzione
18+ Extra fee: 250€
part of work is mixing sand and cement, collecting mortar and water, painting
and fittings and laying floor tiles. Accommodation will be in the UPA hall at
the office. The camp site has simple bathrooms with no showers, latrines not
toilets and a simple cooking shelter (kitchen). There are several local foods
to choose from e.g. matooke, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkin and also
rice, spaghetti, ground nuts, beans, peas and different types green vegetables.
Fruits can also be easily bought from local markets, mangoes, sweet bananas,
water melon, pineapples etc. Ocheng Village, Nansana Town council is
12kilometers North-West of Kampala the capital of Uganda, in Wakiso District in
central region of Uganda. Major language spoken is Luganda with also a big
percentage of people speaking English well. There is trip to Wamala tombs a 197
years old cultural heritage which is the burial ground for the 29th King of
Buganda. Also there is possibility to
visit Nansana Community market and to climb Kabulengwa hill to have a view of
all Nansana and surrounding suburbs.
Insegnare nella scuola,
un po´di yoga e cultura indiana
dal 05/08/13 al 18/08/13
Age: 18+ Extra
fee: 178€ Requirements: Motivation letter
Rishikesh is a city in the Indian state of
Uttarakhand. It is a vegetarian city by law, an alcohol-free city, and has also
banned the use of plastic bags. Rishikesh is world famous for Rafting and
Adventure. The volunteers will learn the Basics of Yoga and Meditation during the
work camp. Every day there will be topics covered by a professional master (the
person in charge of yoga and meditation classes), which will be practiced by
the volunteers. Apart from this, volunteers will also help in creating
awareness among the locals and school children on issues like Health and
Hygiene, environmental protection, eco-clubs, eco-tourism, solid waste
management etc. Volunteers need to be creative in their approach to give out
the message through dramas, street plays and puppet shows. The work camp also
involves teaching children from poor and marginalized community about basic
English and Mathematics, Health and Hygiene, and Environmental protection
through creative learning methods like art, music, games etc. There will also
be house visits and meetings with local rural people as part of inter-cultural
learning and to give awareness on health, education and hygiene. As part of the
cultural exchange, volunteers will witness and participate in the cultural
programs with local community. Volunteers can also take part in trekking
activities over the weekend.
L´acqua pulita per tutti
dal 10/08/13 al 24/08/13
18+ Extra fee: 350 USD Requirements: motivation letter
will be joining VFP Board member and Clean Water Trainer Cara Connors for our
annual August training. Specific projects will be established as we better
understand the needs of our Clean Water program and the skills of the
volunteers who register. Work will focus around training of community leaders,
engagement and activities with our youth WASH club members, painting murals at
locations that have just received filters, exchanging culture with the
community and more.
La cultura nella città
TINKU 6 CULTURA IN PLAZA 1 dal 18/08/13 al 30/08/13
18+ Extra fee: 180€
project is located in the center of the city of Cochabamba and the main square
of Cochabamba. Volunteers will be working in logistics support to develop
cultural events in the square. Also with the diffusion of activities, promotion
of events and visiting media. Participate in the organization of cultural
activities that will develop day full central square "September 14". Volunteers
will stay at the Social Center "The Tinkuna", located west of the
city of Cochabamba and 15 minutes from the central square.
e storia del paese
STARTED dal 15/08/13 al 25/08/13
18+ Extra fee: 250€
work will include the following activities: rehabilitating the old places in it
including the very ancient water canals (Battir Village has a special water
system that is connected to several water natural resources). Assist in rebuilding of an ancient wall that
leads to the very ancient water well at the edge of the village. This wall will
help the locals and internationals reaching the water well, which is hoped to
be a touristic historical and natural attraction. Working on several locations
beside the ancient train railway (was established since the Ottomans Empire
that was a main line that connected Turkey to Palestine. The location of the
railway is the borderline between Palestine and Israel. (Detailed program will
be sent ahead of the workcamp date).
Per maggiori informazioni sui progetti
nei Sud del mondo e capire come scegliere il progetto adatto
alle proprie preferenze, vi invitiamo a
sfogliare le nostre guide: