venerdì 4 aprile 2014

in palio un e-reader e un viaggio: partecipa alla Writing competition: "Cosa significa un'Unione Europea allargata?"

'We should look towards the future, but with a wisdom we gained from the past'
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission

Se hai tra i 15 ei 25 anni condividi la tua opinione sui seguenti temi:
  • "Cosa può imparare dal suo passato l'Unione europea di oggi formata da 28 Stati membri per migliorare il suo futuro?" 
  • "Che cosa significa per te un'Unione europea allargata?"
You can submit your entry in one of the following ways:
By email: Send your entry as an attachment (Word Document or an OpenOffice Writer File) to:

By post: Send your entry to:
media consulta International Holding AG
Attn: Rachel Harding
Wassergasse 3
10197 Berlin

On Facebook: You can upload your entry by clicking on the writing competition button located at the top of the EU Enlargement Facebook page:, which will lead you to the competition registration page. Please then follow the instructions provided to upload your entry as either a Word Document or an OpenOffice Writer File.

Directly at this link.

The deadline for submissions is 11 May 2014 (electronic delivery or registered mail).