Location: Montreuil en Touraine (near the city of Tours)
Dates: 10/06/14 - 18/06/14
Arriving : 09/06/14
Departure : 19/06/14
Target group: youth leaders 18+
Topic: “camp leaders training: intercultural and ecological camps”
Reimbursement : 70 % of the travel costs
Accommodation : in rural area, in “Roucheux farm”, in tents, rustic lifestyle.
Special requirements: For nature lovers !!!
Project information:
For many years the association “Compagnons Bâtisseurs France“, has organised trainings and workshops to educate their animators for international work camps and European Youth Exchange. We found a partnership with the organization STAJ Touraine, which organises “Nature Camps” every summer. In these camps, the whole layout is realised on an ecologicalbasis. As we have significant experience in this area, we propose the following training to animators and our European partners as well. It is based on an intercultural approach and on ecological techniques.
Condizioni: Essendo un programma finanziato dalla Commissione Europea (Youth in Action), sono garantiti VITTO ed ALLOGGIO per tutta la durata del progetto ed il RIMBORSO del 70% delle spese di viaggio.
Per maggiori informazioni e modulo di candidatura scrivere su: LTV@YAP.IT
2. online alcune idee per partire: in questa edizione abbiamo raccolto alcuni campi di volontariato sociale in tutto il mondo http://issuu.com/yap_italy/docs/idee_per_partire_n4_sociale
Per ulteriori informazioni o chiarimenti vi invitiamo a visitare il sito di YAP:
http://www.yap.it/, seguire la pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/campi.volontariato.yap
o telefonare al numero: 067210120.
Seguite YAP anche su twitter: @yapitalia