Il Servizio Eures dell’AFOL di Milano segnala 10 offerte di lavoro per lavorare in scuole materne e asili nido
Numero lavoratori 10
Dove: Germania
Esperienza richiesta: SI - Esperienza nel settore + formazione/certificati e/o titoli di studio rilevanti
Conoscenze linguistiche
Inglese: livello padronanza lingua in situazioni complesse
Tedesco: livello post-intermedio
Tipologia di contratto: tempo indeterminato
Stipendio: a partire da 2200 Euro lordi mensili variabile a seconda della regione di impiego
need some degree/training related to the specific age group and since the degrees/trainings are not really similar, they should have work experience with the specific age groups. The consequence is that we cannot place a teacher of a higher school in a kindergarten. The degree might be accepted but the experience is simply not there. We cannot place these teachers in regular German schools because teachers need a German Staatsexamen to teach there. Private schools are different but we don't have their vacancies. So, our target group would be jobseekers with work experience with babies to 6 year old children that have some sort of vocational training/degree in that field.
Come candidarsi
Per candidarsi inviare lettera + CV in inglese o tedesco a incoming4@arbeitsagentur.deQuesto e a eures@provincia.genova.itQuesto.
Data scadenza
13 agosto